Divination Sessions
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The divination work I offer is called Stick Medicine and comes to me from the Dagara people of Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Divination sessions offer you the opportunity to experience real, tangible contact with ancestors, allies and guides- not only during the session but also during the ritual 'homework' you are given to address mundane and spiritual life situations. As the diviner I am acting as a matchmaker between a problem or opportunity and a solution. At the end of the session I give you interactive, collaborative and inspiring ritual assignments. But don't be fooled, the diviner is only the messenger, it is the ancestors and other spiritual beings who are giving the instructions.
Interested in a divination?
Fill out some info below and we will be in touch shortly.
We can't wait to hear from you!
“One’s identity is a kind of flowing tapestry of ancestors, places of spirit, spiritual partner energies that come through the lineage, mountains, rivers, and more. Being well harmonized with all of these is not easy, and requires other sets of eyes at times. This is another way that divination fits in. It helps paint a bigger picture of one’s energetic field and where problems, opportunities, imbalances, etc. may exist - and also helps us understand how to remedy them.”
— Mark Bockley, Divination lineage holder
“Alex creates a very safe and sacred container for his sessions. I was offered a doorway for healing and more pleasure in my life. I will say yes!”
— Michelle Pauls