Men’s Groups
We come together to train, that we may be truly ourselves.
Weekly in-person and online groups for men
I could write about the promise of this work.
I could entice you with words like authentic, fully alive, truly yourself.
I could speak to that part of you that remembers what it feels like to run wild and free with other boys, connected to your joy and knowing deep in your bones that you belong and are wanted.
I could tell you that by joining a men’s group you can expect to feel more connected to your loved ones, feel more belonging with your community, and experience more pleasure in your life.
I could write all of that and it would be true, but it wouldn’t be what would have me say yes to this work.
I want to hear a leader talk to me about the pain points that I’m facing and how we can address them.
I want to feel a leader’s fierce love, their devotion to cultivating true brotherhood, reliable support & acceptance, and a deep commitment to be with me right where I fucking am.
That is the leader I want to be for you.
You are wanted.
You are needed.
Come take your spot and train with me so that you can truly live.
Signs a Men’s Group is for you:
You might be struggling with feelings of isolation, anxiety, loneliness, frustration, irritability, or anger.
You believe that only certain parts of you are welcome or safe to share with the world.
You feel intimidated, scared, or nervous about being in a group of men.
You don’t have many close male friends.
You long for more intimate relationships with men but don’t know how to go there.
You sometimes go numb when listening to someone you care for.
You have friends but often feel lonely or disconnected around them.
Your partner is asking something of you that you just don’t know how to give. You might feel trapped or cornered.
Resentment, jealousy, or rage might be causing harm to you or those you love.
You are successful at work but know you are capable of more.
The question of “who do I want to become” excites and scares you a little.
The promise of “success” and freedom isn’t what you thought it would be.
You are hungry for more but not sure what it is, exactly.
The Work
Your guide, Alexander Kugler, comes to men’s work with a decade of transformation oriented training, years of experience facilitating groups, expertise in leading workshops, as well as initiation in indigenous wisdom traditions and psychedelic supported transformational work.
You can read more about Alexander’s journey on his bio page.
Modalities used in the Men’s Groups:
IFS individual and group work; for mapping our inner landscape of parts and freeing up energy and resource along with building greater perspective and compassion for ourselves.
Group Psychotherapy model; gives us a framework to notice and explore our habitual behavior from our daily lives in the safe container we create together.
Men’s Work & Leadership Coaching; let’s cut through the bullshit and get to what’s really in our way.
Psychodrama; we externalize and play with the characters of our inner world to gain perspective and sometimes levity.
Mindfulness; focuses on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Emotional Intelligence; the study and training in:
Self awareness (how I am occurring to myself)
Self regulation (my conditioned tendencies and how I regulate them when under stress)
Social Awareness (how I am occuring to others and the collective)
Social Regulation/Relationships (how I participate in the collective and intimate relationships)
Prayer Technology; when we are clear about what is our business, we can finally ask for help using ancient techniques to communicate and collaborate with the more-than-human world.
Some Words on “Man”
The world is challenging us to expand beyond the old, stale, and inherited definitions of things. Many communities have been fighting for this update to human consciousness for a long time. We are finding ourselves at an inflection point; an opportunity to actually create a more inclusive, safe and courageous culture within which our families and communities can thrive in full self-expression. One way we can move toward this reality is by studying ourselves and learning to love the multiplicity within, by no longer disbelonging parts of ourselves that have not fit tidily into the culture’s narrow and prescribed roles for us.
These men’s groups are a space for all people who self-identify as men. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you only identify as a man. One of my mentors in this work presents as a big, strong, hairy man. He also wears skirts to dance and sometimes goes by they/them pronouns. When he/they go to men’s group, he is explicit that he is there to work on his ‘manness’ without disregarding or abandoning his multiplicity.
And for those of you who feel uncomfortable or resistant when imagining yourself in a room with a man like my mentor who I described above - you are welcome too. Your judgement is invited into the room, not so that it can shame or attack another, but so that you may get to know it and allow the group field to support you in learning to express your authentic self respectfully and courageously.
These groups are designed to support participants in studying and growing in relationship to the parts of us that do identify with “man” or masculinity without disowning or shaming our other parts. In other words, we are coming together to study and find freedom from our internalized male socialization insofar as it blocks us from authentic expression and relationship with Self, other, the natural world, and Spirit.
This process of socialization not only causes great harm upon our femme-identified and systemically marginalized relatives, but also upon ourselves and the planet. It attempts to block us off from the reality of love that we are surrounded by. This societal program wants - in fact - it needs us to feel isolated and confused in order for it to continue to thrive within us, unchallenged.
So let’s do this - learn from each other, support and encourage one another, and finally, put down the torturous habit of needing to know and “be right” all the damn time.
Now let's find the right group for you...
Check out Alexander’s interview on MysticMag.com
Men’s Group
Tuesday Weekly Zoom Group
Tuesdays @ 3:00-4:45 pm PST
A weekly online men’s group with a summer in-person retreat
8 seats total
Rolling Admission
*Current Availability = 1 seat*
Wednesday Weekly Zoom Group
Wednesdays @ 3:00-4:45 pm PST
A weekly online men’s group.
8 seats total
Rolling Admission
*Current Availability = 4 seat*
Internal Family Systems Group : In-person All-genders
Begins Sept 24th 2024
10 Tuesdays @ 6:30-8:30 pm PST
Location near Sebastopol, CA
4 Spots total
FULL - click 'apply' to register interest in future groups